
SK Collaborative provides certification for

Affordable and Market Rate multifamily projects.

Affordable Housing

Most new and rehabilitated affordable housing is green certified, providing comfortable, healthy, and efficient homes for our citizens in need. Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) programs provide significant incentives for developers to certify their projects under one of many available green building programs. In addition, numerous financing, tax incentives, and utility rebate programs work hand-in-hand with green certification to provide additional incentives for developers to construction high performance buildings.


When green building and energy efficiency techniques are considered early in the design phase, additional expenses are minimized or eliminated, and projects are assured a smooth path to program and incentive requirements. We work with developers, housing authorities, and contractors to make sure that their projects meet program requirements, providing comfortable, healthy, and efficient housing.

SK Collaborative is an active member of the Georgia Affordable Housing Coalition, facilitating seminars at their annual conference and writing informative articles for membership. Download our current fact sheets on affordable housing green certification in Georgia and other states.


Market Rate

More and more market rate multifamily housing is green certified to help sales and leasing, to meet investor’s portfolio requirements, achieve financing and utility incentives, and comply with local permitting requirements in many cities and counties. Many SK Collaborative clients have found that, in addition to producing a better building, utility and financial incentives for green certified buildings often provide both significant short and long term ROI.


When green building and energy efficiency techniques are considered early in the design phase, additional expenses are minimized or eliminated, and projects are assured a smooth path to program and incentive requirements. We work with developers, architects, and contractors to make sure that their projects meet program requirements, providing comfortable, healthy, and efficient.

The certification process can provide opportunities for financing incentives and rebates from utilities and government entities.