This single family home is an infill project in the MAK historic district in Decatur, Georgia. Designed from the start for the highest possible performance, it achieved the highest levels of certification in all available programs that SK Collaborative provides services for. It was the first house certified under the 2015 National Green Building Standard, meeting Emerald level. Unique features of this all–electric home include ductless heat pumps for space conditioning, an energy recovery ventilator, Cradle–to-Cradle certified composite exterior trim and siding, non–toxic termite barrier, an induction cooktop, condensing non–ducted clothes dryer, and non–toxic finishes throughout.
NGBS Green - Emerald, LEED Platinum, Earthcraft House, Zero Energy Ready Home
NAHB Best In Green, 2017. USBGC LEED Home of the Year, 2017. EarthCraft House High Performance Award, 2017. Zero Energy Ready Home Honorable Mention, 2017. Design Award, City of Decatur Historic Commission, 2017.